Saturday, April 14, 2012

"We Were Tired Of Living In A House" by Liesel Maok Skorpen, illustrated by Doris Burn

I ran away about once a week.  We had a little red Spirit Flyer, and I'd pack up my pillows and some clothes and whatever else I felt like I'd need- including my sister, Rosie, and I'd take off.  I always let my mom know that I was running away, of course.  This family of four children take off after a very naughty morning, and have an exciting day finding a new place to live.  The original book was published in 1969, and Doris Burn did the illustrations, and they are wonderful, although all black and white.  A newer version has been published and is not nearly as winningly drawn.

Miles loves it when the kids decide to live on a pond.  When that home becomes unlivable, they take along a frog who was, "a particular friend."  Miles spent a good five minutes trying to pronounce "particular" in the most wonderful and adorable way.  I sometimes read this story just to hear him stumble over it.
(Longmans Canada Limited, 1969)

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