Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"Jellybeans for Breakfast" by Miriam Young, illustrated by Beverly Komoda

This book, selling for between 200 to 279 dollars online, was one of my favorites as a child. I don't own it, and before I knew how rare it was or how much it cost, I searched all the Barnes and Nobles, Borders and B. Daltons I could find. I never found it, until I went online and saw how many people loved this book as a child, and now want to own it.
So why is it out of print?
The book is wonderful- full of "what-if"s and treehouses. If I were to write a children's book, it would probably be like this one. In looking it up, you'll find it used as an example of fanciful thinking, of idealism, and of fun, fun, fun.
Bowden has no opinion about this book, and neither does Lucy. Someday I will find this book for 50 cents at a yard sale, print copies of it for all, and NOT SELL IT. What does that say about me?
(Atheneum, 1968)

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