Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Curious George And The Puppies" illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive

Now, I believe that this book was made by a computer, or a group of random people, but boy, can that computer make a sweet book. We bought this book for Bowden last year at the marriage retreat because it contained two things Bowden loved- puppies and monkeys, or a monkey.
I had never read the Curious George books before, and I really love how sweet and harmless he is, and how much he reminds me of Bowden, who gets into more trouble before he realizes that that's what he's doing. I actually like this book better than the original Curious George book, but that could be because I read it first.
Bowden just loves this book- because of the monkey and puppies. At the end, the man in the big yellow hat asks George if he wants a puppy of his own, and George does, and Bowden says, "Me, too!"
(Houghton Mifflin, 1998)

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