Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Three Men Who Walked In Fire" by Joann Scheck, illustrated by Sally Mathews

And who were they? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, of course. This Daniel 3 super-revised story is part of a series that my mom bought for my sister and I when we were smaller..."Quality Religious Books For Children." I loved this story- my mother took such joy in saying, "Shadrach, Meshach, and To Bed You Go!" at the end of the story reading, if it was bedtime, and sometimes when it wasn't.
The book gives personalities to the three men, and there is no mention of Daniel at all, but I felt comforted by this story then, even in its sillier form.
My mom, possibly thinking it was too silly, wrote in these words at the end of the book, "All of the sudden, their king knew that their God was the One that was true!"
Bowden does not really care about the book, but thinks that fire is neat. (Uh, oh.)
(Arch Books, 1968)

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